- on-the-fly算法 on-the-fly
- Crag fly repellent(驱蝇剂) 丁氧聚丙二醇
- flys eye lens plate 复眼微透镜板
- 只要在一张特别设计的FLY纸张上画一台就行了。 Just draw one on the specially designed FLY paper.
- 我们来举个例子看看to fly off the handle在日常生活中是怎么用的。 My wife spent all afternoon yesterday cooking a special dinner for our wedding anniversary.
- 骑自行车或骑马用ride,驾船(或用帆或用发动机)用sail,开飞机用fly. Similarly we ride a bicycle or horse,sail a boat or a ship(whether it sails or has an engine),and fly a plane.
- 骑自行车或骑马用ride,驾船(或用帆或用发动机)用sail,开飞机用fly. Similarly we ride a bicycle or horse,sail a boat or a ship(whether it sails or has an engine),and fly a plane.
- 当一个美国人对你说“go fly a kite”时,他是生你的气,认为你太讨厌了。 When an American tells you to "go fly a kite", he is annoyed with you for being a nuisance.
- 这是美国人喜欢用的另一个词,意思和“Go fly a kite”或“Beat it”一样。 This is another American expression, with the same meaning as "Go fly a kite!" or "Beat it!"
- 作为乘客,坐汽车、公共汽车或火车用ride in,坐船用sail in ,坐飞机用fly in When travelling as a passenger we ride in a car,bus or train, sail in a ship,and fly in a plane.
- 作为乘客,坐汽车、公共汽车或火车用ride in,坐船用sail in,坐飞机用fly in When travelling as a passenger we ride in a car,bus or train, sail in a ship,and fly in a plane.
- 考虑一下“fly”这词在“"flybrandxairlines”和“aflyintheointment”中的不同意思。 Consider how the meaning of the word "fly" changes in the following contexts: "Fly Brand X Airlines" and "a fly in the ointment".
- 考虑一下“Fly”这词在“"Fly Brand X Airlines”和“a fly in the ointment”中的不同意思。 Consider how the meaning of the word "fly" changes in the following contexts: "Fly Brand X Airlines" and "a fly in the ointment".
- 不过,由于英国航空公司最近把“fly the flag”用作一个广告口号,这个短语似乎更通用些了。 However, since British Airways used "fly the flag" as an advertising slogan recently, it seems to be gaining currency.
- 地中海实蝇(Mediterranean fruit fly)通常简称为Medfly,是世界上最具破坏性的农业害虫之一。 The Mediterranean fruit fly commonly called Medfly, is one of the world's most destructive agricultural pests.
- “To fly the flag”(或有时写作“to show the flag”),是公开代表自己的国家或组织,宣扬它的利害关系,而且一般说来是促进这个关系。 "To fly the flag" (or "to show the flag", as it is sometimes put) is to represent publicly one's country or organisation, to put forward its interests and generally promote them.
- 给出了水泥浆的配方:T5+90%海水+7%JPO+1%FLY(分散剂)+0.8%ACL+1.5%RD+35%LGT(减轻剂)+5%GCO+1%SB(泡沫分散剂)+2%INS+1%INL。 图3表3参8。 The typical recept for the slurry system is as follows: T5+90%25 sea water+7%25 JPO+1%25 FLY(dispersant)+0.8%25 ACL+1.5%25 RD+35%25 LGT(lightening material)+5%25 GCO+1%25 SB(foam dispersant) +2%25 INS+1%25 INL.